What’s new with Flow WMS? Pick and load from your mobile device!

by | Industry

If it’s been awhile since you last looked at Flow WMS by Magaya, then you’re in for a pleasant surprise! The mobile WMS solution designed to work on your favorite Android or iOS devices has just been updated with some highly anticipated new features to streamline your warehouse pick and load workflows, saving you time and equipping your team to be more productive than ever.

What’s new with Flow WMS by Magaya?

Users can now complete the picking and loading tasks created in Magaya Supply Chain Solution from the Flow WMS app on their mobile devices, freeing them from reliance on fixed workstations, saving steps – and valuable time.

Add or Edit Details and Load Container
Users can add or edit item, container, or pallet details during the pick and load process and load items directly into a specific shipping container. Serial numbers are now supported as well.

Save and Resume Tasks
Users can now save an in-progress task and resume it on another device, so valuable work is  never lost.

Repacking is now supported at any time during picking or loading. Users can also select any package type during repacking.

Capture and Upload Photos
Users can now take pictures and edit item information during the pick and load process.

Label Printing
Labels for all items or specific ones can now be printed at any time during the pick and load process, even for items that don’t yet have an identification number.

Task Management
Assign and unassign options are available for employees to delegate or reassign tasks.

Dimensioner by Magaya Integration
Users can capture dimensions, weights, and photos of items with the Magaya Dimensioner by triggering it directly from Flow WMS.

Your warehouse needs to operate at top speed, and that means that your technology needs to keep up. Magaya is always delivering ways to streamline, simplify, and accelerate processes to enable optimal performance. Interested in learning if Flow WMS is right for your warehouse? Click here to schedule a consultation.


Flow WMS

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