Customs Compliance Software

Customs compliance software is a category of business solutions that is created primarily for customs and compliance requirements of customs brokers who manage foreign shipments on behalf of their customers. It is also used by some companies that deal with cross-border shipping, such as importers, which bring foreign goods into the United States.

What are the benefits of using customs compliance software?

As international shipping and logistics have become increasingly complex, the need for customs compliance software has evolved. This category of software helps businesses to manage the volumes of paperwork and documentation required for shipping goods across borders.

The primary benefit of customs compliance software is that is helps filers save time by automating the process of filing import and export declarations, helping to ensure that all documents are accurate and up-to-date.

Another key benefit is that customs compliance software can help businesses to avoid delays and penalties by keeping filers up-to-date with changes in customs regulations.

As global trade continues to grow, customs compliance software will play an essential role in helping businesses to operate smoothly and efficiently.

 Key Takeaways

    • Customs compliance software is designed to assist businesses in meeting the various filing and regulatory obligations related to cross-border shipping.

How to Choose the Right Customs Compliance Software for Your Business

Keeping up with customs compliance obligations can be a complex and time-consuming process, but the right software can make it much easier.

There are a few things to consider when choosing customs compliance software for your business. If FTZ warehousing or CFS operations are part of your business, then you’ll want to ensure that your customs compliance software includes the required reporting and inventory management tools to meet all the regulatory requirements. 

If you’re a self-filing importer, you’ll want to pay special attention to the software’s user interface, to ensure the solution is easy to use and intuitive.

And, if you deal in high-volume, low-value imports, look for a solution that will expedite your Type 86 entries with mass uploads. If you want to connect your customs compliance software to your other solutions, like freight management systems, you will want to ask about API connectivity and other integrations. 

Ultimately, you know your business best, so the software you select should align with your unique needs in order to deliver the best return on investment.

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