How To: Manage Customer Data In Magaya

Jan 22, 2020 | Education

At Magaya we know how important customers are.  So, we’ve carefully implemented features that allow you to make the most out of managing and organizing your client information.  Damien, our virtual support agent, will show you how to get started with customer lists in Magaya.

As your customer list grows, things can get hectic.  Magaya helps you avoid duplicate profiles with account and entity ID fields.  An entity ID is a field that can be used internally and will not be visible to your clients.  You can even configure your system to generate account numbers automatically, saving you time and keeping you organized.

Customer lists give you added flexibility in setting and managing your client rates.  Magaya’s accounting features work with your customer database to streamline your operations under one system.  Rates, periodic invoices, payment terms – you name it!  It’s all connected and automated in Magaya.

Did we mention payment terms?  Yes, that’s right!  Magaya software includes a list of default payment terms such as “due on receipt”, “net due in 10 days”, and more.  When you set the payment terms, the due date is automatically filled in transactions such as invoices.  This is one of the many automation features in Magaya that saves you work.

If you already have a customer list outside Magaya, just import your existing data with our Import Wizard.  Damien shows you how to import a list of customers into your Magaya Software.  He demonstrates the essentials such as formatting, file types, data headers, and compatibility so you can begin transferring your data without errors.  And data isn’t limited to customers.  Import anything from carriers to employees with Magaya.  Pro tip:  We recommend exporting a sample profile from Magaya before importing, to verify the format and avoid any errors later.

Breeze through all your operations with Magaya.  Explore more useful tips and tools with our knowledge base.